Adding an audio amplfier to the Wien bridge single pot audio oscillator
Since one quarter of the LM324 quad op amp was unused by the Wien bridge oscillator, I thought that it could be used along with a complementary output transistor stage as an audio amplifier. I found this page of audio amplifiers by VE7BPO and thought that the Popcorn Audio Amplifier might work in this situation (near the bottom). However (as you might expect) instead of following the design as presented I messed around with it. Audio amp on top, Wien bridge oscillator on bottom amplifier on breadboard, note nylon bolts/nuts One change to the design is the transistors, the NPN is a 2n4921, the PNP is a 2n4918. They don't seem to be a complementary pair as I measured an Hfe of 255 for the PNP and 80 for the NPN. But I had them on hand. They aren't available anymore from the usual suspects (Mouser / Digikey). They are both in a TO-225 package. Another ...