Another one of my Elmers has died
A couple of shots of Bob Hamel W9MO and before that, WB9AMC on Field Day: Bob operating phone on Field Day Bob operating the natural power station on Field Day (a hand cranked generator on the wall of the Evan's barn was to the left, out of frame) obits: I remember the next summer after the Novice Quartet had been licensed: Bob Hamel and Morrie Hornik (WB9JHW) had another set of weekly classes to get us up to speed for a General class license: code, theory and regulations. The Hamel family was nice enough to allow us to inhabit their basement (where Bob and his Dad had their radio shack) those summer evenings. And eventually that fall I went down to the Federal Building in Milwaukee and got my General. If only they had followed with an Extra class ! (I was never a self directed learner :) It all remin...