A "prequel" to Similarities in Wave Behavior

The short educational film from 1959: "Similarities in Wave Behavior" is must-see TV for any ham radio operator.  Dr. John Shive gives an intuitive presentation of how waves propagate along transmission lines.  It's nice to see something demonstrated rather than just hearing a lecture.

But another film that Dr. Shive made on the subject was "Simple Waves" - if you haven't seen "Similarities" before, "Simple Waves" would probably be the one to watch first - it functions as an introductory film.  "Simple Waves" was part of the PSSC physics curriculum used by high schools in the 1960s and 1970s:


BTW, I actually bought a copy of the "Similarities in Wave Behavior" video on VHS tape in the late 20th century.  But ATT was wonderful enough to post a copy on Youtube:

I really think it's worth the time to watch and re-watch both films.  

"Similarities in Wave Behavior" was also mentioned in the December 1961 installment of Carl and Jerry in Popular Electronics, page 82:



BTW, thanks to the excellent World Radio History web site we can read all the adventures of Carl and Jerry in Popular Electronics.

I was able to purchase copies of both the student and teacher guides to "Similarities in Wave Behavior".

  But I never actually tried to build a wave machine although it seems do-able to someone more mechanically apt than me.

http://wb9kzy.com/behavior.pdf students guide

http://wb9kzy.com/tebehav.pdf  teachers guide

Although I have changed a lot since 1959 (the year "Simple" and "Similarities" were made), wave behavior is still the same :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY