The French Atlantic Affair
I started watching a movie on the internet, "Executive Suite"
Which can be found here:
but before the credits were over I noticed the screenwriters name, Ernest Lehman.
For some reason I remembered that name. Then it came to me, Mr. Lehman (a ham) had also written a novel and TV screenplay: "The French Atlantic Affair" which involved ham radio. I had read something in QST about this, so the ARRL Periodicals Search and Archive found this from August 1977 QST, pages 56 & 57, ARRL members can view it here:
Mr. Lehman was a pretty famous author / screenwriter (notably the original screenplay for the Hitchcock movie "North by Northwest") but I remembered him due to ham radio ;)
From there it was fairly easy to find the book on the internet archive:
This is an adventure book in which ham radio plays an important part. It's a little more adult (or as my Grandmother would have said: "spicy") than the Tommy Rockford books by Walker Tompkins but a lot more action than something like "Executive Suite"
BTW, I actually like the 1 hour borrow time on, especially with reference books it allows a lot more people access than having to wait for days and days while someone may or may not be using the book. I wish my local library did this, sometimes I get an email telling me that the book I requested is available and I barely remember putting in the request (after 6 months :)
There was a TV mini series of "The French Atlantic Affair" but I can't remember if I saw it or not, it doesn't seem to be on Youtube, other than some promos and clips
A coincidence: Shelley Winters was in both "Executive Suite" and "The French Atlantic Affair".
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY