Just spray on some Click-b-gone ?

Working with an audio amplifier (see 2-25-2022 blog entry) I had noticed clicking when the volume was all the way up.  It appeared to be from an electric fence that I can hear on the K2 on 80 meters.  But the clicks weren't coincident.

The theory I came up with is that possibly the audio amplifier clicking was coupled in via the power lines somehow and detected by the rectifier diodes in the AC power supply.  I tried soldering bypass capacitors across each of the 4 diodes (on the back of the circuit board).  This seems to have gotten rid of the clicks.

bypass caps on back of rectifier board

top side of board with rectifier diodes

But this still doesn't explain why the clicks weren't at the same time from either the 80 meter groundwave (presumably) or the power line.

If I hook the 40 meter dipole to the audio amplifier input and crank it up I can hear the electric fence clicks but they are coincident with the ones on the K2.

I will just let the matter drop for now, there's other stuff to work on.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY