Idea: use online tools to translate DX ham radio magazines ?

An idea struck me (don't worry, didn't get hurt, it doesn't happen that often :) use an online text recognition and translation tool to translate some of the articles from DX ham radio magazines.  In particular, the CQ Ham Radio magazines from Japan that I have.  I used to go to a Japanese mall in suburban Chicago which had a bookstore.  They sold all kinds of Japanese magazines including CQ Ham Radio.  They are pretty expensive even with a subscription due to the high shipping costs.  The earliest issue I have is from October 1993,  over 544 pages of articles, news, columns and ads.

I had previously blogged about using online translators to figure out the writing on the Terryscope:

Here is the site I usually use:

The first candidate for translation was a brief construction article from that Oct1993 issue: an automagic notch filter which does NOT use DSP.  This brief article by JR0LJN uses the old MF-10 (aka LMF100) as a notch filter tunable via the LM565 PLL with a 74HC390 counter to divide the MF-10 100x clock to audio range.  Not sure what happens when there are multiple carriers, maybe then it's time for a diode detector ? :)

Notch filtering is handy for trying to listen to tube AM stations with an SSB radio.

The source and translations are presented here:

first page of article

second page of article

first column untranslated

first column translated

second column untranslated

second column translated

third column untranslated

third column translated

The translation is certainly better than nothing but imperfect :)  I will have to see if I can round up the parts and give the circuit a try.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY