Has Andy lost a syllable ?

21st century sports has quant fever ! (I blame sports gambling)  So what about the sports analysts ?  Shouldn't their statistics be examined ?

I was listening to the Pack-a-day podcast with Andy Herman and was wondering:  How fast does Andy talk ?  He does have a lot to say and what he says is interesting.  But he does talk fast, for example consider the names: Ballentine and Valentine - both corners for the Packers so same job, very similar names, hard to distinguish at times when delivered at a high speed.  Luckily Andy does use first names (he said Carrington Valentine something like 20 times per Youtube) - I didn't hear him say Ballentine at all (or his first name: Corey) so I must have missed something ?  Now some analysts like LeRoy Butler often use jersey numbers when referring to players - not sure if that increases or decreases the number the syllables :)

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLKS7_OlTyY

Today the podcast was 32.5 minutes long.  Analyzing the Youtube transcription yielded this:

And I got this word per minute rate:

So is Andy talking faster than last season ?  I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader if they are really interested :)  BTW, per Duckduckgo the average rate of speed is more like 125 wpm, so Andy is still dang fast !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY