2024 Power Outage II, Electric Boogaloo

Washington Island had another power outage on Wednesday.  It was REALLY windy on Tuesday night.  I thought the windows on the south side of the house were going to blow out.  I didn't hear: "the train" - tornado survivors always talk about the sound being like a train - so it wasn't a tornado, just crazy strong winds.  I'm not sure exactly when the power went out (trying to sleep and ignore the storm) but the power was off here until 7:36p on Wednesday evening.  As previously mentioned I never appreciate how nice it is to have power until it is gone.

I never did followup on the previous outage on April 2 to 4 2024:


I was gonna buy some Sterno or a camp stove or something - never did.  One thing I might be able to justify is some MREs or HDRs (Humanitarian Daily Rations).  I didn't want to open the fridge and also couldn't cook anyway (electric stove) so it would be nice to have ready to eat meals on hand.

The trouble is that I'd probably end up opening the meal bags and taking out the candy, snacks or crackers - can't resist the carbs.

I spent the morning on Thursday recharging everything that got used up on Wednesday :)  So that's another thing: some kind of emergency power (battery or generator) would be nice.  It's such a nice sunny, calm day though so probably nothing will get done on preparation - Also as mentioned before I was never a Boy Scout :(

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY