The Spring Storm Power Outage
On Tuesday the power went out about 5:03 PM. It went back on briefly at about 5:20 PM. And then stayed off until Thursday at 5:25 PM. There was an unusual spring blizzard which must have weighed down tree branches at multiple places and caused the outage.
Yikes ! 2 days without power ! This is the longest outage I can remember.
I know that last night about 11:30 PM the power came back some places but not here.
I usually just take electric power for granted but boy it is so good to have it back on again. I was wearing my winter coat, hat and mittens inside the house but still my feet were COLD !
A fellow with the Fire Department did a welfare check on me before noon today. He told me the town had opened up the community center for warming, recharging devices and internet which might have been tempting if this went on ! Even showers were available at the Rec center.
I was never a Boy Scout, only a Cub so I guess "Be Prepared" never quite sunk in but then something like this happens.
Anyway I got lots of stuff heating and charging and refrigerating - I hope I don't trip the thermal breaker on the pole transformer !
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY