The Japanese-American Translators of World War II


This Asianometry video is different from most.  Usually he talks about stuff like Integrated Circuits and TSMC, also business / economics.  I think he has more of an economics background than technical.  But some of his technical explanations are interesting as mentioned previously:  

But this video was quite different and really interesting.  It deals with the 2nd generation Japanese-Americans (Nisei) who worked as translators in the Pacific theater during World War II.   As I recall one of the reasons why the translation effort isn't better known is that the translators were "sworn to secrecy" about their experiences and they took that seriously.

He mentions this free book:

Written Japanese is hard at least for me, the internet now allows us to cheat using the various translation sites:

but a real translator is able to take context and personal experience into account that no machine is ever going to master.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY