Knight VFO

This picture on Face brought back some memories:

The Nicolet High School radio club had a couple of unused Knight VFOs on hand.  After I got my General license I borrowed one to use with the HW-16.  At a certain point crystals get expensive especially after upgrading where I had more frequencies available.

After a while I returned the VFO to the club and replaced it with a solid state VFO from MFJ.  I gutted my old Hallicrafters S-120 receiver and used the bandspread capacitor to tune the 7 MHz MFJ VFO.  Also added a flip-flop divider to allow operation on 80 meters.

In college I bought a Drake 2A and a Hallicrafters HT-37 from a fellow in the UWM radio club.  

But the Knight VFO was a fun addition - I might have bought the Heathkit HG-10 to go with the HW-16 but there was that matter of the ARRL life membership cost of $150 - I think that the life membership was the better deal.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY