The safest sleep aid ever invented ?

 I used to kid my Dad - when we would watch the PBS show NOVA (can't believe there have been 49 seasons !), he would never make it through the show, he'd be asleep, at least until I'd make a rude noise.

Guess what ?  Now watching NOVA does the same thing to me.  They had a 2 part episode on dinosaurs and the asteroid strike, hosted by David Attenborough (of course his late brother, Richard, was one of the stars of Jurrassic Park):

These viewing links are only good through June 8, 2022.

Who doesn't love learning about dinosaurs ?  Especially with that Jurassic Park style CGI.  I made it almost all the way through the first one but by 10pm I was asleep.  You might say who cares, you can watch it online anytime.  Or record it and watch it later.  But I find that often if I do that I won't finish watching the show, appointment viewing has a place for procrastinators, watch it now or never !

BTW, my Dad had a friend on the island, David Raup,  a paleontologist who researched the extinction:

I do still enjoy watching NOVA, even bought a copy of the book:  NOVA: Adventures in Science which came out after the first few seasons.  There are a few episodes that I'll always remember, for example, this one:

Skydive to the rain forest was just amazing.  I won't spoil it but a little mini-mountain sticking up out of a vast forest and then a bunch of people parachuting down to the summit is really cool.  

NOVA has presented shows about the Hindenburg and hydrogen since the first season and there are still new Hindenburg episodes coming out ;)

The only bad thing about NOVA (and PBS in general) is that they don't keep the old shows active in any way.  For example, NOVA had a very interesting show about the seasonal flu, this was over a decade ago.  And it's nowhere to be found.  The show laid out the synergy between people, pigs, domestic and wild fowl that brings about the ever changing strains of the seasonal flu.  But PBS never rebroadcast this show during Covid-19 era, maybe they were worried about confusing us.

Anyhow, if you ever do have insomnia, I'd suggest putting a NOVA program on the tube and settling back - at the very least you'll learn something.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY