Gold and Cardboard

Instead of doing something productive I pawed through some stuff and found a couple of items, the first is a pocket watch:

Oooh !  microinches of gold !  It sure is shiny.  Actually it keeps pretty decent time although most watches these days do keep decent time.

The second item is a box, an empty box:

But a "nice" box.  The lid flap has a magnet which allows the box to close nicely.  I keep the box because I lost the camera it contained shortly after it arrived.  The idea was to tape the camera to a kite and then use it to take aerial movies (this is before the popularity of drones).  So I taped the camera to my Snoopy kite (a good flyer) and tried it out.  Unfortunately the camera fell off the kite while I was flying it - this was in an uncut field in back of the house.  I thought I saw where the camera landed but I must have taken my eyes off it because I couldn't find it.  I looked and looked.  I searched in a grid pattern, no help.  I got out the scythe and cut the long grass, no help.

I still pine for that camera, it was only about 8 bucks but still the idea of never really using it irritated me.  I still wonder if a passing crow or other form of wildlife carried it off ?  

I actually have a whole list of items that I've lost, none of them expensive but still I miss them, the mystery of my mind is unsolvable :)

But guess what ?  I see the watch being put into the box for storage, no loss there  :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY