This isn't good for kit sales

The USPS announced this:

I am waiting on one Ebay item from China, I asked for a cancellation since I have been waiting for 10 days and it hasn't been sent (Lunar New Year delay ?).  So this USPS pause will just add more delay to a USPS that still hasn't recovered from the holidays.

I was going to order some boards from JLCPCB (was waiting for them to start up after the Lunar New Year) but now I don't know.

I received this email today:

What it doesn't say is that they use copper clad circuit boards from China.  Also, they NEVER use the USPS except for billing.  AND they charge a huge minimum for "shipping/handling" which is usually more than an entire order from JLCPCB.

Second, 10 percent is just another nail in the kit coffin.  It goes on top of the 5.5% that is now paid to Wisconsin sales tax.

And of course this may change at any second, the tax could increase or be turned off (as with Mexico/Canada) at any time.  Whipsaw is the term used on Wall Street for when things rapidly oscillate between extremes.  So how does a business plan / price in this type of environment ?

Delay, higher prices, inability to plan:  none of this is good for selling kits or many other things.  

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY