These are never good news
I received this in an email today:
I just had purchased 10 of these BF256B JFETs recently, in fact I haven't gotten them yet, hopefully they will arrive this week. This part is one of the last RF JFETs available in the TO-92 through hole package. The J310 was always the preferred JFET but those have not been available from distributors in maybe a decade or more. A surface mount version of the J310 is available but a lot of folks are skittish about soldering an SOT-23 three legged part.
So time to fool with the BF256B and see if maybe there is a kit that might use them - if so, I will have to get on the stick and do a last time buy, End of Life is less than 1 year away ! Probably should expedite this before the tariff increases beyond the current 10 percent, too !
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY