Low IF Oscillator Circuit

I tried building the oscillator from this previously mentioned W6IOJ article in QEX:


One idea that occurred to me was to add the stabilization diodes that I've seen in other Wien Bridge oscillators.

  This seems to help keep the output stable as far as staying a sine wave versus becoming a clipped sine wave.  
no diodes can result in clipping after a while

adding the diodes results in a cleaner waveform although smaller

Of course this does cut the amplitude down somewhat but perhaps more circuit tweaking is required.  I didn't have any LF353 dual op amps so used a low power TL062 dual op amp instead.  Possibly other op amps like the NE5532 might be better.  I did use the plus and minus 5 volt supplies which minimizes the need for coupling caps.

Now on to the other parts of the circuit.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY