Good Old Sears
Obviously Sears had some problems or they would still be selling stuff. But things Sears did well included: catalogs, parts AND documentation. I was thinking of repurposing an old meter as a battery tester to join the Sears VOM I already have. I tried a search: sears vom manual and found this:
It has some interesting info including measuring inductance and capacitance that I'd not considered before. In addition it also had the schematic which is what I wanted:
AND the manual also tells what the test conditions are, nice !:
After looking at the schematic the battery test setup is a load resistor in parallel with a voltmeter (voltmeter is a current meter with a calibrated direct reading scale in series with a resistor). So it's just a matter of getting a switch/s, load resistors and calibrating the bad / good readings.
Why not look at the manual for the Sears VOM you already have ? I did, it didn't have a schematic or the battery test conditions, sometimes Sears had feet of clay :(
Why not just buy another VOM or DVM with battery test ? Several reasons: I've already got meters that I no longer use that could be repurposed. People want what I consider too much for used meters on ebay. Even the more deluxe meters won't necessarily do what I want (test a 12V battery made of AA cells or a 9.6V battery of AAA cells) - those could be added to a custom meter.
The problem is that while I know I've got this stuff I don't know where it is right now :(
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY