Button Cell Replacement Idea: FAIL
I've mentioned alkaline button cells and their leakage problems before:
I had an idea for at least a partial solution to the button cell leakage problem. I have some thermometers that use two button cells. So I thought I'd use a single CR2032 lithium cell to replace those two alkaline cells. I've got a bunch of single CR2032 holders (with a built in switch) along with some CR2032 cells so I'm all set, right ?
Nope, it won't work because I found that the two button cells are connected in PARALLEL not in series. So the lithium 3V cell would have too high a voltage.
It was just an idea :( I will keep looking but for now will use this approach with an AAA lithium cell:
I added a magnet on the back of the battery holder:
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY