Battery Test Revisited

After thinking about this:

I had some ideas, first, why not used the Sears VOM I already have ?  One way to do that is to changed to an 8 cell AA Nimh pack (or even AAA) rather than the normal 10 cells.  The sidetone won't be as loud but I already have the tester - a tradeoff.

Second, make it easier to use that Sears VOM by mounting the battery externally, example here with a 9V Nimh battery:

the battery is mounted with a cable tie, this is done with some of the kit enclosures, too

This could probably be done with an AA or AAA pack as well although there maybe I'd use a magnet for mounting ?

I did look for the Battery Saver kit prototype but can't find it, it will join a long list of things I'm on the lookout for !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY