An Interesting Idea for True Randomness

I saw this project on the IEEE Spectrum site:

a printer, 6 chips AND an Arduino


Seems like a LOT of work to generate one time pads just for fun but I like to look at projects not necessarily for only what they are but what could be taken from them to springboard into a different project.  I haven't used randomness in kits except for the code practice in the MegaPK-II and MegaPK-game keyers. 

But those were pseudo random generators - the only virtue of them is that something like code can be re-sent at a lower speed for checking purposes.  Otherwise it can seem a little weird at times.

This one time pad generator uses a diode based noise generator as a true hardware based random number generator.  As shown in the Make article, it can get to be kind of a complicated (more than one IC ;) design:

There MUST be a way to pare this thing way down !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY