Tomorrow ! by Philip Wylie

The 1950s and 1960s had a LOT of fiction written about nuclear war.  Recently I encountered what I thought was the most effective piece of fiction on the subject:  Tomorrow !  by Philip Wylie.  This takes the form of an Old Time Radio show (for the Civil Defense) from 1956:

It's really a well done program - and as you might expect it does come with a "commercial" for Civil Defense.  The cast includes Orson Welles as the narrator and Marshall Thompson (who I remember as Daktari on 1960s TV) as a character named Chuck Connor.  Maybe being a radio show makes it more effective with excellent original music and a really annoying siren over some of the dialog.  

The book is available on Archive although I haven't read it yet:

As I say there are a bunch of shows and books on this subject but this one was worth an hour of my time.  I listen to old time radio shows in bed and usually fall asleep quickly (aka the NOVA effect) but this show kept me awake and interested.  

Are we as close as ever to nuclear war ?  Who really knows ?  But certainly most of us echo Alfred E. Neuman:  "What, me worry ?"

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY