Three Christmas Movies

The Bishop's Wife (1947)

I heard the ending of the Lux Radio Theater (Old Time Radio) version of this movie and thought I'd watch the actual movie - it's well done.  It has that touch of magic that Hollywood liked to add to movies (similar to It's a Wonderful Life).

Beyond Tomorrow (1940)

Coincidentally in 1940 Christmas was on a Wednesday just like this year (2024).  This is a movie from a non-major studio but the actors are good although the only one I really knew was Richard Carlson who I specifically remember from the Capra science film: The Strange Case of the Cosmic Rays.

When they sing Jingle Bells (in multiple languages) it reminded me of the Joe Gumin recording:

Carol for another Christmas (1964)

The most serious of the three movies.  Apparently it wasn't well received - I don't remember it from my childhood (unlike the infamous Shatner Twilight Zone episode: Nightmare at 20,000 feet - that scared the heck out of me - I was 8).

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY