TI Watch

I was combing through the various junkboxes and came upon this:

battery is 2.93 volts

It's a watch from Texas Instruments but it is meant as a development platform for their MSP430 microcontroller and wireless applications - it's from over 10 years ago now.  I never really used it as either a watch or to develop microcontroller designs - it's just been sitting around.

One nice thing, those lithium coin cells don't leak even though they are completely discharged.  That Sony coin cell was in the watch.

I didn't have any fresh CR2032 cells so I put in one taken out of my digital scale.  One kind of neat thing about the TI Watch is that it can measure and display the battery voltage which is 2.93 volts.  So it's pretty close to dead but not quite yet.

I was thinking about using the watch while walking - it also has some kind of way to sense motion so it might be sorta like a primitive Fitbit.  But I wasn't able to even set the time - I don't know if it's me just not understanding the directions or possibly the buttons are iffy.

I'll try buying some more CR2032s to see if a fresh one helps (I use them in other stuff like a digital scale) but I suspect the watch  will end up back in the box for another 10 years :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY