The Peltz oscillator circuit
I tried this Peltz oscillator circuit:
I made a couple of changes, used generic PNP transistors rather than NPN so a positive 5 volt supply could be used (suggested on the EDN site in the comments for a Design Idea). Also added a series resistor to the 10k ohm in the emitter leads with a higher value (240 k ohms) so that the oscillation would cease. Then this 240k ohm resistor could be shorted out with a key (for keying). I also used larger L1 and C1 values to shift down into the audio range. The inductor is a winding of a small audio transformer.
It works but nothing spectacular, the distortion is visible but it sounds OK and the parts count is low. Just a quick tryout on a solderless breadboard.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY