Gun and Bullet Season

I'm not much for deer hunting season.  9 or 10 days of worrying at least a tiny bit that you might get shot, no thanks.  There is also bow season but not sure how popular that is around here.

This afternoon a neighbor came over and asked if they could hunt in the woods I have, I said no.  I didn't mention that time last February when the neighbors set off an explosion next door so loud it knocked a couple of pictures off the wall in my living room !  I also didn't mention the time a few seasons ago when someone next door was botching the killing of some kind of animal - the animal was screaming, the people were dropping f-bombs, and this is like 11pm - do you suppose alcohol was involved ?  Anyway, today he said OK and thanks and left.

Then a little later he knocks again while I am baking my pizza and listening to the Packer game.  He says other hunters are trespassing and shooting on my property, it wasn't him.  I walked out there and didn't see anyone although there were some hunters to the east (the neighbor who came to the door is to the west).  So I walked back, didn't want the pizza to burn, it was almost sun down anyway and I was missing the Packer game - which they won, 38-10 over the 49ers.

So it was a mixed Sunday - but at least I had pizza, the Packers won and I didn't get shot !  :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY