A Problem Solved
I had a problem with my Nikon 500 mm mirror telephoto lens. It came with a lens hood built in (a cylinder of aluminum less than an inch high) into which a lens cap was screwed. But over the years of non-use the lens cap could NOT be removed - it seemed like the cap and the lens hood had been welded together.
Luckily the lens works OK without the screw in hood, so when I wanted to use the lens I just had to unscrew the lens hood.
None of the other Nikon or other vendor lenses I own have screw-in lens caps so I've never had this happen before.
I didn't want to use any kind of lubricant or penetrating oil on the cap and lens hood because I was worried that any residual oil might get on the lens and affect the coating.
So I finally decided to try heating up the lens hood in a shallow pan of water heated on the stove. But since the cap and hood were joined so tightly it was impossible to heat just the lens hood.
Anyway, after 5 minutes or so I took the hood/cap out of the water, dried them off and then retried the Armstrong method (wearing gloves). After several tries I was finally able to get them apart !
A triumph over my aging lack of grip strength !
The screw in lens cap, lens hood, 500mm lens and a lens cap from a 55mm macro lens |
In the future I plan to always back off 1/4 turn after threading on the lens cap fully.
Here is a picture I took of the moon, leaning on a clothesline, 1/500 sec. I need to put it on a tripod !
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY