Inexpensive scopes

I became aware of the brand: FNIRSI - they sell oscilloscopes among other items at low prices.  Here is a dual channel:

They have other scopes that sell in the $25 range, low bandwidth but might be enough for some ham applications ?

One thing I thought of for Morse code or of couse, RTTY:  Lissajous figures.  So just for the heck of it, tried it with my older B&K 2190d scope.  Here is a Lissajous figure of 10 MHz WWV zero beated to a 600 Hz audio signal:
I'm not sure why it isn't a closed oval but you get the idea: circle = zerobeat in phase

I didn't hear any RTTY or really even that much Morse code but they'd look similar, just "hairier" (due to the noise).

BTW it turns out that the cheapest FNIRSI scopes are only single channel so I'm not sure that a rarely used, over $100 scope would be worth it just for off the air Lissajous diagrams - it was just an idea for a Sunday afternoon :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY