a holiday fit of madness

For some reason I tried bidding on a Lionel Communications Lab on Ebay.  I've mentioned these before:


This particular auction was for a mark II lab, so a little fancier than the one I had.  I basically just pulled the figure of $50 out of the air and then deducted for postage, bidding $35.01,  here's a record of the bidding:

It's interesting, the original bidder bid $15.  A couple days later a second person bid - he won the auction at $224.72 (plus tax and $15 postage).  The only thing the other 3 bidders did was to jack up the winner's price :)

I dodged a bullet there :)  The original advice that Ebay gave me is still sound - bid the maximum you want to pay and walk away, if the other person gets the item, don't worry - generally there will be another one offered in the future.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY