Plan to convert the IG-102 Signal Generator to solid state

A search for "IG-102" on this very handy site by Mike Yancey:

revealed an article by Julian Rossnick in 73 Magazine for May 1978:

the article is also available here:

Perfect !  The article modifies the IG-102 by using 4 JFETs to take the place of the two tubes.  The power supply is disconnected and a battery can be used OR the filament supply can be modified to produce low voltage DC.  Two resistors are added to the circuit.  A very (hopefully) easy mod !

Interestingly the article specifies the transistors as either Calectro K 4-634 (Calectro supplied carded components to TV repair shops and small electronic retailers)

a different part, found on ebay:

  OR the article mentions an 8 FET transistor assortment from Radio Shack 276-1623.  Neither is available on Ebay (it has been 46 years :) but an old Radio Shack 1977 catalog comes to the rescue with part numbers:

BTW, 276-1623 inflates to:

Checking on transistor availability in 2024:  one transistor mentioned in the article:
2n5951    not at Mouser

mentioned in the Radio Shack 1977 catalog, page 92 for 276-1623:

2n4859    not at Mouser
2n3970    in stock Mouser but too expensive $10.92
3n201    MOSFET
2n5460 not at Mouser
2n3819    bingo !  in stock at Mouser but not too expensive at $1.12 (about the 1977 price inflated):

The 2n3819 has a gate in the middle pinout which should work well for the plate-grid-cathode pinout of the three triodes in the IG-102.  The 2n3819 was also used by W1FB and others in QST articles, for example this dip meter by W6HPH, March 1980 page 11:

Next step: order parts !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY