The 1950s in video

I saw this video:


a 1956 Chevy !  We had one like that when I was a kid.  No fender skirts in the back though but two-tone red and white.  But I remember heat in relation to the Chevy: the Naugahyde seats which would become insanely hot in the summer - also the tube radio which took forever to warm up.  But unlike the Pike's Peak climber in that ad. our 56 Chevy was a 6 cylinder  which had a hard time maintaining speed on trips to the Kettle Moraine area of Wisconsin :)  Also, as I recall there weren't any liners in the wheel wells below the fins in the back or the headlights in the front so the sand and gravel and salt from the roads would pack in and eventually rust those four areas first.  It was a nice looking car but the '56 is the middle child of those classic Chevrolets of the 50s with the 1957 being the one that everyone likes.

But remembering that car from the 1950s reminded me of this video:


They used to show Building the Mighty Mac on Channel 13, WNMU public TV in Marquette - that was back in the days of analog TV when we could still see channel 13.  It is a very interesting film about the building of the Mackinac Bridge.  I've never been across that bridge - actually I've never been in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan - one of these days I've got to get up there !

I have an impression of the former Mackinac car ferry that was used as a potato boat (used to be a lot of potatoes grown here) anchored at Washington Island in the1960s but no pictures of it - also no pictures of the Chevy - I'll have to keep my eye out, there must be some around here somewhere.

Incidentally, that Chevy short video was from this channel:

Lots of interesting music recorded by a fellow with 3M named Marchant.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY