A closer look at the PA2OHH marker generator circuit


Onno, PA2OHH, has a clever design for a marker generator.  For one thing, by connecting the output to the reset pin (rather than grounding the reset as VE3DNL did) the initially low output will blip high after waiting 128/256/512/1024 clocks and then go low again.  In effect this is a combination of the VE3DNL kit


 AND the Pulser kit


In addition, through the use of diode logic:


two divider outputs can be AND'd together to change (extend) the 25 and 12.5 kHz outputs to result in 20 kHz  or 10 kHz outputs, neat.  The VE3DNL marker generator doesn't have 100 kHz, 50 kHz or 25 kHz outputs although it does have a 5 kHz output.  Unfortunately the 4060 chip doesn't have the Q11 flip flop output brought out to a pin so the PA2OHH circuit can't do 5 kHz easily although I suppose a 3.2 MHz crystal could be used to provide a 6.25/5 kHz output.

Anyway, a clever circuit,  I re-drew the schematic to add connection dots:

PA2OHH Marker Generator

Mouser does have through-hole 6.4 MHz crystals so I will order some.  In the mean time the circuit  will be tried with whatever crystals there are on hand and a report will be made in the next blog.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY