Crystal Set Observations

While trying out the varactor crystal set in the evening (it was not a good night for listening, t-storms approaching) I noticed a couple of things: 1) My HP 6281a supply was putting out zero volts ! I've mentioned this unit before: Oh no ! It was a very warm/humid evening and I had left the supply on continuously for hours. Also, I had placed a digital scale on top of the supply, blocking some of the vent holes. I turned it off and when I retried it this morning it appears to be OK. Must have just been something overheated - I'll find another place to stow that digital scale and I also started using a 9V battery to power the varactors since the current used is very low. 2) The "utility" audio amplifier I've been using with the crystal set sounds distorted. I scoped the output - it appears that there is a problem with the po...