QST June 1958

Ongoing review of 1958 QST with the June issue:
a caboose is always fun

smaller pdf:  https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-DX/QST/50s/QST-1958-06.pdf

online viewable or larger pdf:  https://archive.org/details/sim_qst_1958-06_42_6

items from the issue that I found interesting:

Collins ad touting the semiconductor diode balanced modulator, p 2

Crystal Grinding/Penning, p 19

  I did try this once, I seem to recall that the resulting frequency wasn't quite as peppy on the HW-16 as the original.

A Transistorized Grid-Dip Meter, p 34

  Not sure why grid was retained in the title :)  I've got a Heathkit Dip Meter but rarely use it.

film cassette used to hold solder, p 73

    I will have to try this Hint and Kink - I've got some "Snap Cap" 35mm cassettes around here somewhere - these were loadable from a bulk film loader thingy.  Unlike the regular 35mm film cassettes from Kodak the ends weren't crimped so it was easy to use them over and over.

Gil cartoon (often the best ones were featured on the How's DX ? page) p 83

a skunk on Field Day

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY