QST February 1958

continuing the review with QST February 1958:

smaller PDF: https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-DX/QST/50s/QST-1958-02.pdf
larger PDF and online viewable:  https://archive.org/details/sim_qst_1958-02_42_2

items I found interesting:
Gil cover - COLOR !  (and it is continued on the March 1958 cover)

Collins 32S-1 transmitter ad / announcement p2 $555 or $690 with supply ($6060.99  or $7535.28  in 2024 dollars), the S-line, small (relatively), modern, expensive !

transistorized frequency marker generator p 16, transistorized bfo p.67

What's wrong with Delaware ?  p 52  (I'll confirm the rename to Dela-rare - never had a QSO with DE myself)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY