QST 1958

On Facebook.com/arrl.org Martin F. Jue mentioned this about QST:
If Martin is 80 this year then he must have been about 15 and in high school when he started reading the QST magazines from 1958 ?  So I thought I'd take a look at 1958 QST month by month which is easy to do with the pdfs on both Worldradiohistory.com and Archive.org.

General notes:  The Gil cartoons gave QST just that something extra to leven the heavy technical, DX, net and contest fine print verbiage in each issue.   In addition 1958 was a big year with IGY (International Geophysical Year), also man made satellites that beeped and of course the biggest sunspot peak of the radio era, cycle 19.  So potentially there was a LOT to write about in 1958.  Let's look at the 1958 QSTs in more detail:


smaller pdf: https://www.worldradiohistory.com/Archive-DX/QST/50s/QST-1958-01.pdf
larger pdf and readable online:  https://archive.org/details/sim_qst_1958-01_42_1

items of interest to me in the January QST:
simple transistor projects like p 26 Matchtone
            or p 38 transistorized Q multiplier

Gil cartoons like p 46, also p 71 and esp p 50 (73 sounds more sophisticated in French)

I've listened to the translation on bing but still can't say it right :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY