7th posting a charm ?

I've posted about this style of electronic equipment at least 6 times before, the last:


But then I saw this new to me item:

source: https://mfjenterprises.com/products/mfj-9218

And yes, I do like the design of the packaging.  But it dawned on me that folks may associate this aluminum top/Bakelite box style with either old defunct brands (Heathkit or Knight-kit) or new but less favored brands like MFJ.

I have also recently become aware of this packaging concept:

source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/325078866800

source:  https://paxer.net/voyager/assembly.php

This is similar to the aluminum top/Bakelite box kit BUT it has an aluminum top AND bottom with a circuit board in between.  Then a 3D printed bumper is used to cover the open sides.  I think it is really neat and would be handy for a non-calculator kit like maybe a keyer ?

BTW, with the calculator kit,  don't "buy it now", watch it and then after a while a lower price will be offered :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY