W0XI Circuit Tidbits

 I've only found a few of these newsletters, don't know much about how long they were published or when they started but they are interesting:

I gotta try this, have some varactors around here somewhere

  Here is an archived midnightscience page with three of them (March, April and May of 2006):


Here are some Tidbits from the archived aldenmcduffie.com web site:



Alas, these two (11/2004 and 12/2004) weren't captured:


Here are the final two I've found (9/2005 and 1/2006):


I'll keep looking but doubt there is much hope for finding more of them.  It's too bad, they were interesting, I didn't find out about them until after they stopped being published.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY