The first time I encountered the word: kluge

 It was in an article from the second issue of Byte Magazine:  Add a Kluge Harp to your Computer by Carl Helmers, October 1975.  Actually read it in the Creative Computing book: The Best of Byte which I have around here somewhere.

The article hooked up a zero to 5 volt square wave to a dynamic speaker (sorta like sidetone with a keyer).  But Carl Helmers (the editor of Byte) defined it:  "a quick and dirty electronic music kluge"    And I assume kluge was pronounced to rhyme with huge, anyway that's the way I pronounce it.

Grab the article here from the always wonderful World Radio History site:

or in the book:
Since I do live in northeast Wisconsin (aka Packer Country) there was always this memorable pronunciation:

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY