Re-creating a decimal display

 I was watching this video:


It's almost mesmerizing to watch the CNC machine working.  This fellow is trying to manufacture Nixie tubes so he is machining a mold for the glass base of the Nixie tube.

It's a noble effort but wow, that's a lot of work just for the sake of the Nixie style display !

But as a cheapskate engineer/ham I thought of the decimal display from the February 1968 issue of Popular Electronics - I was a subscriber then and remember this cover picture, something about the display bursting through the paper made it memorable.

Probably for economy I'd skip incandescents or Neon bulbs and use LEDs for a kit.  This could be used to display lots of stuff like a clock or frequency.  I have an old HP counter around here somewhere that used this concept.

I'll have to think about it, it might be fun :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY