QST on World Radio History

The QST archive on World Radio History:


only covers up to 1969 ?

I was looking for information on counterpoise tuners after seeing this on face:
one the the most intriguing names for ham gear

Using google to search for W1FB and counterpoise found these:

so there are two 1980 and 1983 issues up there.  What about 1982 ?, tried:


it is there.  All of the 1980s issues seem to be there:


What about 1972 ?  tried:


Nope, but it does have a few of the 1970s issues:


Yet another way to waste loads of time on the internet !

BTW, I think the W1FB article I was looking for was from one of his CQ columns but I don't have access to those paper issues and it's too cold to go over to the "archives".

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY