broken wire
So that's why the TV antenna rotator stopped working !! No wonder with only two of the three rotator cable wires still intact.
Since there really isn't much TV activity around here and since the antenna post had been bouncing against the house during a recent storm, I took the silly antenna down. I think an antenna element may still be lying on the roof. The antenna wasn't too bad for $30 when purchased 25 years ago but time came to cut the wires and run ! (semi-obligatory ham radio/Field Day reference)
I can still receive the local PBS translator station in Ellison Bay with an inside the garage antenna. If I get ambitious I have a little two bow tie antenna and a nice preamp that I could setup somewhere but that'll wait till spring/summer.
It was 40 F here Saturday so at least I got outside and accomplished something.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY