Allied Code Course

I saw this on flace:

I had one of these, as I recall it might have been bundled with the Knight-kit LC-1 CPO.

I lent it to a kid in college and never saw it or him or his kinda mean girlfriend again :)

I remember learning EISH54 (the exclusively or mostly dit characters) from the record.  But I never quite got to 5 WPM on my own as a grade school kid - I am just not much of a self-directed student.

N4MW has provided a pdf copy of the Allied Code Course booklet (must be the same as the 78 version):

I finally got to 5 WPM in high school with a summer course taught by Morrie, WB9JHW.  This culminated in a fall novice test for the four of us as I mentioned here:

I really got to get on the air one of these days !  Too cold/snowy for antenna work at 1F though.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY