Pink noise filter

I found this pink noise filter in the July 1977 issue of Popular Electronics:

So I tried entering it into LTspice:
with frequency sweep

And then simulating:

Not really sure what this tells me other than the filter does roll off, is it exactly 3 db per octave ?  For the heck of it, tried simulating at octave related frequencies from 100 Hz to 102,400 Hz.  Here are the circuit and sim output at 102,000 Hz:

Here is a spreadsheet of the data:

The response looks decent, not perfect - the main thing is that the output doesn't decrease too fast, it is a challenge to design an RC filter that doesn't decrease at 6 db per octave.

Nest step will be to get the parts, and a white noise source like the MM5837 from yesterday:

and then try it out in real life.

BTW, I did get a discount offer on one of the watched MM5837 chips, 5%:

And I got addressed as "Honey" - it reminds me of the way customers were addressed when eating at a Chicago area diner or bowling alley of the 20th century :)

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY