16F18313 dual output noise generator from Electric Druid

I poked through the junkbox and found a 16F18313 PIC.  Interesting that this chip has a 16F prefix but only 8 pins.  Usually the 8 pin PICs have a 12F prefix.

So I was able to use the hex file kindly provided by Electric Druid here:


It's pin compatible with the previous version so I used the same breadboard to try it out but I disconnected the RC filter.

  First here is the white noise output on pin 3:

And here is the pink noise output on pin 7:

It seems to work fine.  My only comment is that I got a weird interruption noise on the pink output pin 7 when I tried to record it directly to the Sangean MP3 recorder.  So I ended up recording both via an output from an LM380 audio amplifier.  I'm not sure what the problem was but it sounded like a bad connection.

Next steps will be to continue with non-PIC methods of noise generation and also to try keying the noise in some fashion.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY