Youtube stuck in its thumb and drew Outer Limits glass handed demon !
I remember: Demon With A Glass Hand very vividly from The Outer Limits, starring Robert Culp, written by: Harlan Ellison. I actually have this on DVD somewhere but that would require me getting out of this chair to find it, no wonder Netflix ditched DVDs !
Robert Culp plays an amnesiac named Trent who has a glass hand (with flashing lights !), finds a cool looking girl friend instantly and also has people in racoon makeup trying to get him (or is it the hand they want?). Normally I don't like time travel stories but Harlan Ellison had a good touch with them also writing: City on the Edge of Forever, a Star Trek TOS episode (the one with Joan Collins in 1930s USA).
Here is the hand in the title, being un-gloved as it was multiple times, those flashing lights must be covered up, even in a city strangely devoid of people.
Talk and listen to the hand:
Only one more digit to go:
Sorry Trent, she don't go for that !
Also The Bradbury Building in LA ? Perfectly named for a sci-fi oriented video location.
Only application of Demon With A Glass Hand to kit design/sales: the flashing lights of the Zerobeat and the Keyall Discrete kits ! :)
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY