Another bakelite box plus aluminum top plate ham accessory
I've blogged on these before:
I saw this example on Face, posted by John WA1YIH on the K9YA Telegraph page:
The owner made some mods, adding a pot (Volume) and an RCA jack for the key. It would have originally just had two screw terminals for connecting a key:
That's the nice thing about this style of kit, easy to modify.
Here is the Eico 706 manual on
I guess I'm the only one who really likes this style, it was popular in the 1960s. I was thinking of designing a CPO kit but heard from the owner of a kit company in the UK that they don't sell.
I couldn't find the Eico 706 in QST but did see this:
The price inflates to this:
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY