CHU no longer on the CBC ?
The interesting thing to me was that the CHU digital time code audio was incorporated at a low level as background sound into The Empire Strikes Back soundtrack. I've watched that movie several times and never noticed it.
This blog has more info on the sound designer for Empire:
The CHU time code can be heard about 30 seconds into this clip:
Of course WWV (and WWVH) hide the digital time code into a rather slow, low frequency one bit per second HUM type of modulation. The CHU method is more straightforward. I always thought about a possible kit for a CHU receiver that could be used to set a clock. WWVB has a hard time getting into the NE of the US and the phase modulated WWVB clock decoder chips by Everset (which are supposed to be more sensitive) never quite got into the mainstream radio clocks. So I thought that a CHU clock might be useful but never got anywhere with it.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY