Curious Marc explains sampling

 I remember a test set at GTE (Receiving Inspection department, Northlake, IL) called:  FATCATS  (I forget what the letters stood for, something like Filter Algorithmic Computer Aided Test Set).  FATCATS was what I guess is sometimes called: rack and stack ?  It had various instruments which connected to a DUT (Device Under Test) using a relay matrix connected to a test fixture.  This was controlled via the IEEE-488 interface by an HP desktop computer (I don't remember the model, BTW I worked on the Fairchild Sentry IC testers exclusively).

I also remember that there was a mallet with a rubber head in the back of FATCATS (sometimes a relay would stick ?).  And, Otto is Toot spelled sideways :)

Anyway, one of the instruments in FATCATS was a Tek sampling scope (again I don't remember the model) which displayed waveforms as dots.  I never really quite understood what was going on with the Tek sampling scope but today Curious Marc put up a new video with a nice explanation:



Now I have a better idea of what is going on with sampling extremely high frequencies and how it was done.

Curious Marc's videos are quite interesting, highly recommended !

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY