Citizen of the Galaxy

I remember finding out about this book in 6th grade.  Miss Vandenburgt made us do oral book reports and also draw a picture that would be pinned on the bulletin board.  One fellow did a report on Citizen but also a nice drawing of this from the cover:

It is a wonderful book, no other author can create a setting on some other planet so quickly and simply as Heinlein could.  A lot of times his endings leave something to be desired and he can be preachy, especially in the non-juvenile books but he can "set the hook" like no other author.  I was able to buy a copy of Citizen in hardcover in college from the UWM bookstore - I wish I had purchased some of the other Heinlein books in hardcover but mostly I've got old crumbly paperbacks.

One of the references in the book was to this fellow:

We did a brief speed reading segment using the tahistoscope in freshman English at Nicolet High School.  Basically part of a "how to study" course.  It didn't really take in my case :)

Here is the book on youtube:

1966-67 was a good year to be in 6th grade, discovering Heinlein, keeping track of the space program, fooling with crystal radios and other Alfred Morgan inspired projects - it was fun.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY