VE3DNL Marker Generator to TinySA attenuator
Per the TinySA spec:
suggested max input is 0 dbm or 1 milliwatt or .225 volts (rms) at 50 ohms
try an input impedance of 300 ohms, output impedance of 50 ohms
assume power input of 5 volts peak (actually lower) which is about 1/2 watt or 27dbm
so try for 30 db of attenuation ?
from this site:
use 327, 2100 and 50 ohm resistors, output is about 54 mV peak (same as RMS since it's a square wave ?) so it should be safe.
open circuit, 10x probe (with compensation checked) |
30 db of attenuation, should do the trick |
Now to get an SMA cable for the TinySA.
Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY