VE3DNL Marker Generator to TinySA attenuator

Per the TinySA spec:

suggested max input is 0 dbm or 1 milliwatt or .225 volts (rms) at 50 ohms

try an input impedance of 300 ohms, output impedance of 50 ohms

assume power input of 5 volts peak (actually lower) which is about 1/2 watt or 27dbm

so try for 30 db of attenuation ?

from this site:


use 327, 2100 and 50 ohm resistors, output is about 54 mV peak (same as RMS since it's a square wave ?) so it should be safe.
open circuit, 10x probe (with compensation checked)

30 db of attenuation, should do the trick

Now to get an SMA cable for the TinySA.

Best Regards,
Chuck, WB9KZY